
Street Wolves: Turbo Edition Kickstarter Late Pledge Pre-order

Created by Table Cat Games

Street Wolves was brought to life on Kickstarter. But don't worry if you missed out. You can still pre-order the Turbo Edition of the book. We also have the pre-order for the unlocked plot point campaign, Dead Hand.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Update 14: Digital Fulfillment!
16 days ago – Tue, Sep 03, 2024 at 06:52:41 AM

After a whirlwind weekend, Street Wolves: Turbo Edition (pdf) and a couple of the extras are available. Here's what's been fulfilled and where:

  • Street Wolves Turbo Edition PDF: On Backerkit, Drive Thru RPG, and
  • Street Wolves Turbo EP (music): On Backerkit, Drive Thru RPG
  • Street Wolves Foundry VTT: On Drive Thru RPG

IF YOU DID NOT GET YOUR COPY OR ARE MISSING SOMETHING: There's a few reasons for missing stuff, including surveys issues and missed payments on the shipping/add-ons. Or I could have messed up! But the good news is if there's any issues, or have a question just message me through Kickstarter or at tablecatgames [at] gmail [dot] com and I'll fix you right up!

Okay, this was just a short update to give you a heads up about the current state of fulfillment. We'll have a future update with more details as we progress on making more Street Wolves stuff!

Update 13: Orders locking, Digital Fulfillment, and Surveys
20 days ago – Fri, Aug 30, 2024 at 06:18:31 AM

It's update time! We've had a lot going on and a lot of things are in motion, so we thought we'd send another update to keep you in in the loop.

Orders Locking Soon

If you filled out your survey, you should have already gotten an email from Backerkit notifying you that in 48 hours your orders will be locked, so if you want to add anything or alter your order you can still do so until the deadline.

After orders are locked, you can still change your shipping info. Shipping info will be locked much closer to fulfillment time.


There are still 34 people that haven't filled out their survey. If that's you, you've missed the deadline to guarantee your name will be in the printed book. But more importantly, you won't get the stuff you've purchased if you don't fill out the survey. Get on it! Please!

The Digital Book Release

After you order is locked, your card will be charged for shipping and any additional add-ons, and theTurbo Edition pdf will be available in Backerkit for you. Hopefully we can get Drive Thru RPG and fulfillment done the same day, but if not it will be very shortly thereafter. 

Other Updates

The Book

Street Wolves: Turbo Edition is done! I also updated the Street Wolves: Player's Guide, which is included with the core book and is a more condensed form of Street Wolves that you can give to players (primarily for making characters).

Book Blank: A to Z Media sent me a blank book as part of the printing process. This book is blank, but it reflects all the printing selections we made such as the paper type and cover lamination. This thing feels great in hand. The pages are a bit thicker and should hold up to extensive gaming/reading.  


The music is done! The songs include loopable extended versions to run for however long you need as your Street Wolves race, investigate, or fight their way through adventures.  

The Street Wolves: Turbo EP will be in your Backerkit downloads after your order is locked and your card is charged. 

It'll be also be available through Table Cat Games publishing account on Drive Thru RPG thanks to the composer J. Strautman. The files include mp3 files and super high quality wav files if you really enjoy high fidelity music. So just a warning, the WAV download is pretty big! 

The Backerkit version only includes MP3s. Uploading the full thing there causes it to stall out, so it's not possible to offer the wav files through Backerkit. Also we are unable to offer the tunes on due to their lack of royalty sharing on that platform. 

NPC Cards

We've uploaded the cards to Drive Thru RPG, but we can't fulfill them yet until we have a printed proof set in hand, which we hope is coming soon. The bad news is that if you're getting them POD and having them shipped to you, the price for shipping on Drive Thru RPG is fairly high, which we have no control over. This is disappointing to us, but is something that it is out of our hands. 

What's Next?

After the book goes out the digital door, we're going to be scheduling what's next on deck for rewards. 

TCG In Person

If you happen to live in or near Milwaukee, WI, Table Cat Games is going to have a booth at The Awkward Nerd Book fair on Sunday, September 22. If you go, please stop by and say hi!

Important Upcoming Dates

  • 9/1/24: Surveys locked and cards are charged.
  • 9/1/24 (Projected): Street Wolves: Turbo Edition pdf and Street Wolves music are fulfilled. 
  • December (Projected): Street Wolves: Turbo Edition and physical rewards arrive at your door.

Update 12: Surveys are due in 24 hours!
about 1 month ago – Tue, Aug 20, 2024 at 07:01:28 AM


This is a reminder that if you haven't gotten in your survey, please do it soon. The deadline is 8/21 (tomorrow!). 

If you don't respond to the survey, your name won't appear in the printed book. And you won't get all your radical rewards. There's only 47 of you left, but that's still a significant amount of people that I don't want to disappoint! 

Other Updates

The Book

I've focused on making updates from the feedback form, adding art, and setting up the cover using the printer's specifications. 

We're only waiting on one piece of art that's very close to the finish line, so we don't see any delays in getting the pdf out on time. Once cards are charged on 9/1  (for shipping and additional add-ons), then we can start fulfilling the Turbo Edition pdf. 


The soundtrack is close to being finished. I'm working with J Strautman to wrap up the final details. Here's the cover. Bonus points for those who know what album I was riffing on when I came up with the design.

Foundry VTT Module

I'd just like to note that the we are looking at updating the module to make it align with theTurbo Edition and to correct some known issues. While we'd like to start soon, it's anticipated that it'll take a little bit to complete, so if you're getting it as a reward you'll get the current version and will have an update in the future. (I'm excited to get the updates done and to continue supporting it, the Foundry module is how I run Street Wolves!) 

Important Upcoming Dates

  • 8/21/24: Surveys are due
  • 9/1/24: Surveys locked and cards are charged.
  • 9/1/24 (Projected): Street Wolves: Turbo Edition pdf is fulfilled. 
  • December (Projected): Street Wolves: Turbo Edition and physical rewards arrive at your door.

Update 11: Survey Madness, NPC Cards, and Odds N Ends
about 1 month ago – Tue, Aug 13, 2024 at 08:34:12 AM

Survey Stuff

After a whirlwind of survey responses, things are calming a bit. We're at 79% survey completion (68 people still need to respond). If you haven't taken your survey yet, please do! 

Don't forget, the deadline for the survey is 8/21/2024.

If you didn't get your survey email, double check your spam folder. If it's not in there, message me through Kickstarter and I can get you a link to your survey. 

And also don't forget that if you're a Legacy Street Wolves buyer (you bought it before the Kickstarter), we'll need you to email TableCatGames [at] gmail [dot] com with proof of purchase by 8/21 to get the sweet Legacy backer bonus rewards. 

Wild Die Mania

Just a heads up that the custom wild die is a very popular reward, much more popular than I anticipated and supplies are running low! If you wanted to get one as an add-on, get it before they're gone. I'll be ordering a few more, but the resupply takes so long it's highly likely they wouldn't get here in time before fulfillment is due!

NPC Cards

I spent this last weekend creating the NPC cards that are going to legacy backers and are available as an add-on. They're finished other than one portrait we're waiting on. Once that art comes in, we can test print through Drive Thru RPG to make sure everything is good we'll be able to fulfill this one ASAP. 

If you were on the fence about the cards, they turned out rad and will be pretty helpful to have at a table. I can't wait to get mine in the mail. 

I need to note that for some reason it's listed wrong on the Kickstarter image of there being 50 NPC cards where elsewhere I stated 32. We are ending up with 44 cards, which is all of the NPCs that appear in the core book. 

Street Wolves: Turbo Edition

Two examples of art from the book. Left is a cool car in a review mirror with a gloved hand pointing up at the car in teh mirror. On the right are three items: a sight cane, an hearing aid, and a wheelchair that are futuristic looking and colorful.

There's not a ton of progress on the book, except for issuing updates and adding a couple of more illustrations that came in. In the two pieces above, the left illustration was done by Chris Piers who runs the popular YouTube series Comic Tropes (and is a good friend). It was colored by Art Wolf Sam Van Egteren (Gun Metal Draws), with a tiny bit of Photoshop by me. The art on the  right is by artist and disability consultant Aurelia Cetinn

This is the first time both Chris and Aurelia have provided art for Street Wolves, so I'm proud to bestow the title of "Art Wolf" upon them. 

There's now only two pieces of art we're waiting for with a bonus one that would be nice to have, but if it's not done in time we'll be putting it in another Street Wolves release. 

Book Printing Stuff

While nailing down the details with our print provider, I opted for a bit of spot UV coating so the title will have a bit of gloss. The pages will be a bit thicker and should have a nice feel to them. There will also be colored head and tail bands, which are a nice touch. These items increased the production cost of the book a bit, but since the Kickstarter did so well and I want this thing to be radical, I went for it. 

As far as corrections go, I've issued a few and have found things on my own. You can still report issues here if you find any! 

A Note about Sustainability

One thing to note is we're trying to limit the amount of extra plastic we produce. I opted not to have the books individually shrink wrapped, for instance. Also, when you get things like Bennies, they'll be rolled up in a paper sleeve. When you do get something plastic, it's either going to be up-cycled or an unavoidable use of it. Packaging may not seem as slick and mass produced, because so much of this is hand made, but also we're trying to cut down on the garbage produced.

For More Updates

I'm trying not to send too many of these big, email blasting Kickstarter updates, so this might be the last one for a bit before we get closer to the survey ending.

For more updates, keep an eye on the the Table Cat Games blog or: Bluesky, Threads, Facebook Group, or the Facebook Page.

Important Upcoming Dates

  • 8/21/24: Surveys are due
  • 9/1/24: Surveys locked and cards are charged.
  • 9/1/24 (Projected): Street Wolves: Turbo Edition pdf is fulfilled. 
  • December (Projected): Street Wolves: Turbo Edition and physical rewards arrive at your door.

Update 10: Surveys are Out!
about 1 month ago – Tue, Aug 06, 2024 at 08:57:50 AM

The surveys are now out! Please go and fill them in, we need your info for you to get all your cool stuff.

Survey Deadline

The deadline for the survey is 8/21/2024. This ensures that we have time to add your name to the book before we send it to the printer. After that, we can't guarantee your name will be in the printed book (it'll show up in the pdf though). 

When You'll Be Charged and Locked Surveys

Credit cards should be charged on 9/1/2024 for shipping costs and any additional add-ons purchased through Backerkit. That's also when surveys will be locked (meaning, you can't make changes to them). 

If you move between now and fulfillment, don't worry though! We can unlock your survey and update your shipping address for you. 

Street Wolves: Turbo Edition Preview

When you fill out your survey, you'll have access to the Street Wolves: Turbo Edition preview pdf in Backerkit. It's missing some art, but it's close to a done state. Please report any issues you find here! I'll fix what comes in before sending the final version to the printers. 

Single/Two Wave Shipping Reminder

Just a reminder: Dead Hand will come out later than Street Wolves: Turbo Edition. If you're not getting Dead Hand in physical form, you can ignore any messages in Backerkit that mention Single or Two wave shipping.

If you are getting Dead Hand in physical form, you'll have a choice after you confirm your address. You can pick either single wave or two wave shipping:

  • Single Wave shipping: We hold everything until Dead Hand is finished. Once it’s done, we ship everything to you.
  • Two Wave shipping: We send everything but Dead Hand, and then send it later when it’s finished.

The short version: If you pick Single Wave you’ll save money, but it’ll take longer to get all your stuff. Two Wave you’ll pay more, but you’ll get the vast majority of your stuff sooner.

What Comes Next?

The Official Street Wolves: Turbo Edition Release

Once surveys are in, final art is added, and any mistakes are addressed, the Street Wolves: Turbo Edition electronic version will be fulfilled through Backerkit, Drive Thru RPG, and 

Digital Rewards

Digital rewards such as the Foundry module will be fulfilled as soon as possible. Others like as music, adventures, and things that need to be made yet are going to be rolled out in the coming months as soon as we get them finished. 

Physical Rewards

Once we send the book to the printer we have a long wait for them to print it and ship it to us. In the meantime we'll be making physical rewards that aren't finished yet in preparation for the book to get to us.

Important Upcoming Dates

  • 8/21/24: Surveys are due
  • 9/1/24: Surveys locked and cards are charged.
  • 9/1/24 (Projected): Street Wolves: Turbo Edition pdf is fulfilled. 
  • December (Projected): Street Wolves: Turbo Edition and physical rewards arrive at your door.