
Street Wolves: Turbo Edition Kickstarter Late Pledge Pre-order

Created by Table Cat Games

Street Wolves was brought to life on Kickstarter. But don't worry if you missed out. You can still pre-order the Turbo Edition of the book. We also have the pre-order for the unlocked plot point campaign, Dead Hand.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Update 9: Surveys are coming soon! Important info!
about 2 months ago – Wed, Jul 31, 2024 at 08:18:33 AM

Now that we’ve locked down a printer and we’ve got Backerkit set up, we can send the surveys soon! We’ll be running a smoke test first, to make sure we’ve gotten things right. That means 5% of you will get your survey in the near future. Once the results of that are in, we can roll them out to everyone.

What to Expect from the Survey

When you take the survey you'll be able to buy any add-on you missed during the campaign, provide important details needed to fulfill your rewards, and pay for shipping.

A note on add-ons: some of the items are extremely limited, so don’t count on another chance to get them later! 

Shipping Costs

I wrote about this more on the Table Cat Games blog, but despite shipping prices increasing dramatically over the last few months, we’re working to keep the costs down. They’re very similar to the original estimates given during the campaign (you can find out more here).

And there will be a local pick up option if you live in or are willing to travel to Milwaukee, WI. 

Turbo Edition Preview

After the survey is completed you’ll get access to a Street Wolves: Turbo Edition preview as a digital download through Backerkit. The preview is a mostly finished version of the book, except for some missing art (that’s still incoming) along with Kickstarter credits.

If you find any mistakes (typos, missing things, other errors), we ask that you please fill out this survey and we will get them fixed up! 

After I update it with the remaining art, fix any mistakes, and add the credits I’ll upload the final file to Backerkit along with digital fulfillment through Drive Thru and

An Important Survey Question

Dead Hand will come out later than Street Wolves: Turbo Edition (more on that here). With that in mind, we’re using Backerkit’s two wave shipping beta feature to handle Dead Hand. Since it's in beta there's a couple of kinks. You may see something like this in your shipping total, even if you aren't getting Dead Hand

This is because "Two Wave" is the default shipping method overall. If you're not getting Dead Hand in physical form, you can ignore this message

If you are getting Dead Hand in physical form, you'll have a choice after you confirm your address. You can pick either single wave or two wave shipping:

  • Single Wave shipping: We hold everything until Dead Hand is finished. Once it’s done, we ship everything to you.
  • Two Wave shipping: We send everything but Dead Hand, and then send it later when it’s finished.

The short version: If you pick Single Wave you’ll save money, but it’ll take longer to get all your stuff. Two Wave you’ll pay more, but you’ll get the vast majority of your stuff sooner.

That's All For Now!

If you have questions, please free to message me through Kickstarter or leave a comment on this update post. We're really looking forward to you getting the preview version of Street Wolves, and then the full digital version while we work with the printer!

Update 8: We're Making Progress!
3 months ago – Fri, Jul 05, 2024 at 11:53:39 AM

We've got another turbo powered update for you! Let's get to it: 

Layout and Design

Street Wolves: Turbo Edition is very close to having the layout and design done. The biggest to do item is adding the new art (see the art update). And while there's a still a few things to tweak along the way and adjustments to make, overall the book is getting close to its final form. 

I've already got the prototype book out to a few people in pdf form to help look for any errors in preparation for a wider release. 


We're still getting art in and have a bunch of it done, though some of the biggest, most complicated pieces are still in the works. We're still looking good to have the art done by the end of July, which is in line with the original planned timeline. 

How about some new preview images? Here's an illustration that Nat Bug did and I did the background and stuff around her:  

Here's some of the new gear art by Gunmetal Draws in the gear section:

And here's an illustration of Material Kid by Salamart we've used in the original Street Wolves, but this time there's some interesting and thematic shapes in the background.  


Vince, author of the campaign "Dead Hand", just completed a huge move and is setting up to get started in earnest on writing. I look forward to testing out part one when he's done with the notes!

Due to scheduling the final test of "Point of No Return" went a little longer than expected, but we're heading into the final session next week. After that I can get to actually turning my notes into actual writing.


I've heard two more scratch tracks from our composer J Strautman and met with them for some feedback sessions. It's all been going great and J is making incredible progress.

Other Stuff


There was a bit of movement on the survey front. I'm working with Backerkit to set things up and make sure everything is right before sending them out. 

Shipping Increases

You may have seen that USPS is increasing shipping rates. I need to rerun the numbers for the shipping estimates and I'm really hoping the original ones are still good, but they may be potentially going up due to these increases. In any case, I'm working to keep it as low of a cost as possible.


We've got a couple of updates for the non book stuff:

Bennies: We've got the Bennies pretty much taken care of. I have to assemble them all, but they're coming along nicely and look great.

USB Tapes: The tapes were a smashing success and we've ordered the parts to make a lot more. I never thought I'd have possession of hundreds of empty tape cases, but that's what just came in the mail. I'm waiting on more USB tapes from the supplier and j cards from the printer and we can begin assembly.

More Updates

If you want more frequent updates, please visit the the Table Cat Games blog

And Thank You!

And as we close out this update, I just want to thank you again for your support. Everything is coming along nicely and I can't wait for you to get your hands on the Turbo Edition and all the extra cool stuff that we were able to fund. 

Update 7: A glimpse at the layout, cover, and art
4 months ago – Thu, Jun 06, 2024 at 07:59:03 AM

It's time for a Turbo Edition update! We've got a lot to share, so let's hit the boosters:


The first pass at the layout refresh is complete. The focus now is to add art as it comes in and to enhance art that was previously there with some graphic design razzle dazzle. 

The first draft of the cover is done. It's at about 90% except for some tweaks here and there and copy editing. It's going to be similar to the original release, but now we need a back cover and a spine!

We're still working on the interior layout artistic stylings. Here's a current look at it as we finalize things:


The Art Wolves are furiously illustrating and it takes time to make rad art, but we do have a couple of early pieces that I can share. They're not done, but we're really excited so we can't help ourselves:

The above characters are some illustrations done by Nat Bug

The above is a bunch of new art that will go into the gear section (and a boat). It's by Gunmetal Draws


I've also heard two "scratch tracks" from our composer J Strautman. They were early sample demos and they're totally radical! I can't wait until they're more finalized and we can share a preview of them. The music will 100% get you into the feel of Street Wolves.

Other Stuff


Surveys are still on the horizon. Once we get it closer to completion of the book we'll have something cooked up. A lot of the preliminary work is done in Backer kit though, it's just waiting to for the right time.

Backerkit Pre-Order Store

The Backerkit pre-order store is now open! The store is for those who missed the Kickstarter, so if you know someone who missed it, please share it with them. (If you backed the Kickstarter and missed out on any add ons, you'll get another chance at them when you get your survey). 

More Updates!

Don't forget, you can get more frequent updates on the Table Cat Games blog.

Community Spotlight

I like to share the work of others in the field of table top role playing games with some unsponsored shout outs here and there. Today I'm pointing out Ramble and Rhoam's Realms of Wonder from Runic Press. 

Runic Press makes some great stuff with their previous Kickstarters being a smash success. Realms of Wonder is a D&D 5E supplement that is, "a traveler's guide to strange places and even stranger people." Sounds strange and intriguing! You can follow the Kickstarter here.

Update 6: A Quick Update
4 months ago – Fri, May 17, 2024 at 09:01:11 AM

We wanted to catch you up quick on Street Wolves progress! The biggest news is that Kickstarter finally sent use the proceeds of the campaign, so we can officially start commissioning art. 

And in other exciting news, the first pass through of the layout refresh is complete. It was to get the text laid out. That means we have a more accurate page count (estimated at 160, now looking like it'll be 180+). The next phase is going through and adding cool graphic design/artistic elements. And then adding the new art when that starts coming in. 

Hopefully in the next update we'll be able to share some images of the great new stuff. In the meantime, we're going to keep working super hard!

As we said in previous updates, if you want more progress updates you can follow along on various social media platforms linked below. Or you can check out the Table Cat Games blog where we're doing a series of detailed update posts.

Table Cat Games Social Media: TwitterBlueskyThreadsFacebook GroupFacebook Page, Table Cat Games Discord

Update 5: Street Wolves is officially Turbo Boosted!
5 months ago – Wed, May 01, 2024 at 05:03:59 PM

We did it! The Turbo Edition is funded!

The campaign is over! Thank you for your support! The success of Street Wolves: Turbo Edition was only made possible by you.

What are the Next Steps?

Things will be a little quiet for a couple of weeks. Kickstarter needs a bit of time for processing pledges and reconciling any dropped pledges (for cards that don’t go through).

While that’s happening, I’ll be continuing the work on the layout refresh, which I started before the campaign ended. We’ll also be putting the surveys together. Since the Turbo Edition involves a lot of cool stuff and moving parts, we need to make extra sure surveys are correct.

When the surveys are done and we’ve made sure everything is good on our end, we’ll send them out. They’ll be on Backerkit where you’ll pay for your shipping and you can add items if you missed them during the campaign.

Planned Release Timing

We don’t have a timeline set in stone, but we’re working on getting the Turbo Edition pdf done first, so we can share that with everyone to collect feedback if there are any mistakes (we work extra hard on finding them, but sometimes things slip through). After we’ve make corrections, then it goes of to the printers.

While Street Wolves is at the printers we'll be working on all the stretch goal rewards and expanded content.

Future Project Updates

We try to reserve sending updates for when we’ve got something big happening. No news is good news, in this case. But we'll still update on Kickstarter when it's appropriate. 

But if you want more updates, feel free to follow Table Cat Games at: TwitterBlueskyThreadsFacebook GroupFacebook Page, Table Cat Games Discord, or at the Table Cat Games website. (I’m very transparent about progress on social media)

Thank You Again

Sincerely, thank you all! We (me, the cats, the artists, and guest contributors) really appreciate the support. Table Cat Games is a tiny indie operation and this campaign has ensured we can keep making high quality, radical games.