
Street Wolves: Turbo Edition Kickstarter Late Pledge Pre-order

Created by Table Cat Games

Street Wolves was brought to life on Kickstarter. But don't worry if you missed out. You can still pre-order the Turbo Edition of the book. We also have the pre-order for the unlocked plot point campaign, Dead Hand.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Update 4: Everything is Unlocked plus a Clarification
5 months ago – Tue, Apr 09, 2024 at 10:18:29 AM

Everything is Unlocked!

Yep, that's right! All the stretch goals and the backer count goals are unlocked. Thank you for your support! 

That also means that if you'd like a physical copy of the Dead Hand campaign or the custom bennies you can add them to your pledge now or later during the Backerkit survey. 

A Clarification on Rewards

Some folks have missed that when you back the PDF tier on up, you get all the stretch goals in PDF form for free. 

If you have any questions about what rewards you get, message me directly or ask in the comments, or you can consult the handy chart I made to see what you get with each level (see below). 

Thanks again for rocking everyone, we're turbo blasting our way through an amazing campaign.

Oh and as a reminder, you can get more updates and news if you follow on one of the many other places you can find Table Cat Games: Twitter, Bluesky, Threads, Facebook Group, Facebook Page, or Tumblr.

Another Rad Update: More Stretch Goals Unlocked
6 months ago – Fri, Apr 05, 2024 at 08:17:22 AM

Stretch Goals Unlocked!  

I didn't think I'd have another update so soon, but after the last one we got both the Dead Hand plot point campaign and the custom synthwave tracks funded! You all rock.

And now that Dead Hand is unlocked, you can add a physical version as an add-on if you'd like (note: it's already included with the Supply Drop and Veteran tiers). It'll likely be a softcover about the same size as the Jumpstart, but those details will be worked out more when we've got it all written and laid out.  

Oh, and we also unlocked the pet and vehicle character sheets too! 

What's next?

We're now looking at the final backer count goal that unlocks Bennies. It's totally possible that we'll get it by the end of the campaign.

Once all the stretch goals are unlocked any any extra support raised helps Table Cat Games survive. It'll help cover any unexpected costs that will likely arise. It will also help to potentially self fund more things in the future or at least get them further along in the development process before bringing them to crowdfunding. Basically, I am reinvesting into Table Cat Games as we overcome potential hurdles and work to make even more awesome stuff in the future.

So let's keep this party going! Be sure to share this campaign to help get the word out. 

Community Spotlight

For today's Community spotlight I'd like to highlight a game from J Strautman, the music composer for the Turbo Edition. J made a game Contact that uses music in its theme and it's really cool.

In Contact players communicate with extraterrestrials using a collaborative playlist of songs and a deck of tarot cards. They make a playlist together, then interpret the messages from outer space. It's available on  

Tons of Stretch Goal Unlocks, Closing in on Dead Hand
6 months ago – Wed, Apr 03, 2024 at 07:10:31 AM

Street Wolves Turbo Campaign Update

Again, I'm floored. The launch of the Street Wolves: Turbo Edition truly was turbo powered! Thanks to you, in less than 24 hours we not only reached the funding goal, but we've unlocked: 

  • Custom Art Upgrade 1
  • Guest Adventure 1
  • Guest Adventure 2
  • Custom Art Upgrade 2
  • Plain Text Street Wolves

I could barely keep up with updating the stretch goal graphics yesterday! We're getting very close to unlocking the plot point campaign Dead Hand and nearing the backer count needed for the custom pet and vehicle sheets! So tell a friend, family member, or the person next to you on the bus about Street Wolves: Turbo Edition to help reach the final goals. Thanks again for your support so far. I can't wait for you to get your radical stuff.

Community Spotlight

As promised in the first update here's one of a few community spotlights I'm running to help get the word out for other indie ttrpg creators. These are not paid, just trying to spread the word.

"Solve the mysteries by sleuthing or by schmoozing and treat your players to a masquerade ball they won't soon forget."

Andie Margolskee is an indie ttrpg creator working on cool 5e adventures. Their latest is Murders at Lorelahc Manor whichcontains two 5e murder mystery adventures inspired by works like Clue and Knives Out. In addition to the murder mysteries, you also get six maps, items, monsters, and stats for 20+ npcs. You can follow the Kickstarter right here


Thank you! We're fully funded!
6 months ago – Tue, Apr 02, 2024 at 10:20:32 AM

Thanks to your generous support, the Street Wolves: Turbo Edition is funded. In less than an hour! I'm blown away! 

Going forward, I'm going to keep updates here to the more important stuff. If you want a lot more updates and news, follow on one of the many other places you can find Table Cat Games: Twitter, Bluesky, Threads, Facebook Group, Facebook Page, or Tumblr. Sheww that's a lot of places.

Also just to note, it's hard to get word out in the indie ttrpg world, so some future updates will include a short community spotlight featuring other projects that are worth checking out. 

Again, thank you all. I look forward to seeing what stretch goals we can unlock!